Feng Shui is the art of creating a positive environment that is in sync with your life and goals. It is an ancient Chinese practice that has been used for centuries to improve the quality of life by creating an energy flow that is conducive to positive outcomes. The art of feng shui has been practiced in China for over 5,000 years and has spread around the world in recent decades. The principles of feng shui are universal and can be applied to any space, whether it is your home, office or any other space where you spend time. Read on to learn more about feng shui and how you can apply it to your own space to create an environment that is more conducive to success and happiness.

Define your goals

The first step in applying feng shui to your home is to define your goals. What do you want your home to look like? How do you want your life to be? What are your main priorities? These questions can help you identify what areas of your home and life you want to improve. From there, you can begin to apply feng shui principles to your home to create an environment that supports your goals and priorities. Once you’ve determined your goals, you can begin to identify what areas of your home and space need improvement. This will help you to focus your feng shui efforts in the right areas and make the most of your efforts.

Lighting and colour

The colour and lighting of your home can have a significant impact on your mood and energy levels. The colours you choose can either support or disrupt your energy flow. For example, yellow is a colour that is known to support new beginnings and positive energy. You can use this to your advantage by choosing light and bright colours for your home. You can also use black and white photography to create a modern, minimalist look. You can also use candles to create an inviting atmosphere and add a warm, natural glow to your home. Natural light is also important. It is best to have your home’s main entrance facing south so you can enjoy the most natural light. If you don’t have a lot of windows, consider installing light-blocking blinds or curtains to block out excess light.

Spaces and objects

Feng shui uses spaces and objects to create an energy flow that is conducive to positive outcomes. For example, the kitchen is a very important space in any home. It is a central hub for family life and a place where you can create positive energy and happiness. If you have a kitchen island, you can use it to create a central space where you can host guests or dine with friends. You can also use it to create a space where you can do your food preparation, which can help to reduce the amount of time you spend in the kitchen. You can also use objects to create an energy flow that is conducive to positive outcomes. For example, placing a small bowl of fresh fruit on your kitchen counter can help to create a positive energy flow that can help you to stay focused and motivated.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall

One of the most important aspects of feng shui is the use of mirrors. The use of mirrors can help to create a positive energy flow by reflecting positive energy back to you. For example, you can place a large, decorative mirror in a central space in your home, such as a dining room or kitchen. This can help to create a positive energy flow that is conducive to positive outcomes. It can also help to reduce negative energy and create a more positive and relaxed environment. It’s also important to note that not all mirrors are created equal. It is best to use a clean, non-tinted, non-distracting mirror to help to create a positive energy flow.


Feng shui is an ancient practice that can help to create a positive environment that is in sync with your life and goals. It is an easy and inexpensive way to improve your home’s energy flow and create an environment that is conducive to positive outcomes. There are many simple ways to apply feng shui to your home, whether it’s by using colour and lighting, choosing the right spaces and objects, or using mirrors to create a positive energy flow.

Frequently Asked Question

Maintaining clean and fresh surroundings translates to how you approach life. It is how you filter the negativity and encourage positivity. If you have a clean home, most likely you will get a clear mind. You make sound decisions. You make fruitful outcomes and eventually become a bridge for others to follow.
A clean environment makes you healthy. It literally keeps you away from exposure to harmful chemicals, substances, and even radiation. Thus, it keeps your body and mind free from stress and impediment.
We live in a thriving ecosystem. Keeping up the balance is important in preserving life and nature. When pollution kicks in, it tips the balance affecting growth, production, and life. This is why planting trees is important. This is why saving marine animals is important. This is why there are rules to follow so nature will stand a chance for survival.